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cPanel vs. InMotion Central WordPress Hosting

Control panels come in all shapes and sizes in the web hosting world, and while their tools are often similar, each has their own following for a variety of reasons.

In this article we will compare two control panels offered by InMotion Hosting, cPanel and our latest product InMotion Central for managing WordPress installations.

cPanel vs. InMotion Central Quick Comparison Guide

Both products will be broken down in further detail below, but for users mainly interested in the difference between tools, this chart provides an overview of cPanel vs. InMotion Central. 

cPanelInMotion CentralDomain Registrationand ManagementOnly ManagementYesEmail ManagementYesYes*File ManagementYesYes*WordPress OptimizedVaries per PlanYes1-Click WordPressInstallationAvailablevia SoftaculousYesWordPress CoreUpdatesAvailablevia SoftaculousYesTheme and PluginManagementNoYesSite Health MonitorNoYesPlaygroundsNoYesSnapsNoYesOther CMS ManagementYesCurrentlyWordPress OnlyPHP Version ManagementNoYesNumber of WebsitesAvailable to HostVaries per Plan1Backup OptionsYes*Yes*Root AccessNoYesMulti-user AccessNoYesBillingNoYes
*Premium options or plugin requirements may apply

What are Control Panels in Web Hosting?

In simple terms, control panels are graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which help users manage their website and server configuration.

Aspects controlled by control panel include:

Domain ManagementFile ManagementDatabase AdministrationEmail SetupSecurity SettingsEtc.

Web hosting companies provide users access to control panels to customers to help those who may not be comfortable with or do not have the technical knowledge to connecting to a command terminal in order to manage all these tools; however a lot of plans will allow users to still have SSH or Root access for users who do prefer to take that approach.

What is cPanel?

While only holding about 7% of the control panel market share, cPanel is the second most used control panel in the world. cPanel offers a wide range of tools and functionalities, and has a fairly intuitive user interface which helps people new to web hosting.

Note: Although VPS and Dedicated Server customers have access to WebHost Manager (WHM) to create and manage multiple cPanel accounts on a server, this article will specifically focus on the functionalities of cPanel for WordPress website management.

With its extensive documentation and community support, cPanel has become a popular choice for web hosting providers and users alike, streamlining website management and enhancing the overall hosting experience.

cPanel Features

Because of its extensive documentation and interface, cPanel is a favorite among users. Some of its features include: 

One-Click WordPress Installation: cPanel provides a seamless one-click installation process for WordPress through Softaculous or WP Toolkit, making it quick and easy to set up a WordPress website without technical complications.File and Database Management: cPanel’s File Manager allows users to easily manage WordPress files, including uploading, editing, and organizing them. It also provides access to PHPMyAdmin for managing WordPress databases.Email Administration: With cPanel, users can create and manage email accounts associated with their website. This includes setting up email forwarding, autoresponders, and spam filters.Security Settings: cPanel offers various security features, including SSL/TLS management, password protection, IP blocking, and firewall configuration, providing robust security measures for WordPress websites.Note: Some security settings may only be available through WHM.Backup Management: cPanel allows users to manually perform backups of their WordPress website files, databases, and configurations, ensuring data protection.Note: InMotion Hosting offers Backup Manager at a premium to allow cPanel users to create automatic backups for their website files and database. General manual cPanel backups are still available for users. Website Statistics: cPanel provides detailed website statistics and analytics through AWStats, such as visitor logs, bandwidth usage, and resource statistics, giving users insights into their WordPress website’s performance and traffic.CMS Support: Apart from WordPress, cPanel supports the installation and management of other Content Management Systems (CMS), such as Drupal or Joomla, allowing users to access multiple websites in one account.

These features make cPanel a reliable and efficient tool for managing WordPress websites, offering convenience, security, and performance optimization.

What are All-in-One Dashboards?

As explained above, control panels focus on the technical aspects of hosting and provide tools specifically tailored for server and website management.

An All-in-One dashboard, on the other hand, is a broader concept that encompasses not only hosting-related tasks but also other website management functionalities.

All-in-One dashboards typically include features like account management, SEO optimization, analytics, billing and support, and more. This type of dashboard aims to provide a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of a website in a single interface.

What is InMotion Central?

InMotion Central is InMotion Hosting’s newest product. It is a powerful all-in-one dashboard with multiple site and account management features to create the best user experience possible on a fully-isolated VPS server.

InMotion Central All-In-One Dashboard screenshots

Currently, InMotion Central is optimized for and only manages WordPress websites. Its focus is to provide users with a highly optimized environment for their websites, ensuring fast performance. 

Users who have a InMotion Central plan can also invite other people to collaborate in projects at no charge through Teams, meaning it is a perfect choice for agencies managing a corporate website or for designers looking to get their client’s thoughts on a current project.

InMotion Central is easy to use, powerful, and fast, making it a great choice for users looking for a premium managed WordPress hosting experience.

InMotion Central Features

As an All-in-One Dashboard with a focus on WordPress, some of InMotion Central’s features include: 

One-Click WordPress Installation: InMotion Central starts you off with an already installed version of WordPress; however you can easily create more WordPress installations with the click of a button on your Projects area. File and Database Management: With InMotion Central you can easily access your Cloud VPS File Manager and WordPress Database. You can also access these through SSH access.Note: A Premium key is required for access to the GUI version of the File and Database Management. WordPress Management: Activate, deactivate, or update Plugins and Themes, check  your site health, and create backups without logging into your WordPress dashboard. Playgrounds (Exclusive to InMotion Central): Playgrounds allow you to stage, test, and redesign your website without affecting your production environment without the need of plugins or manual cloning.  Snaps (Exclusive to InMotion Central): Snaps, facilitate creating your website by allowing users to create theme and plugin bundles for their website. Easily create a Playground with all of your favorite tools, ready to use. Email Administration: InMotion CentralTeams (Exclusive to InMotion Central): Invite other users to see, manage, and work together on a project with you at no additional cost. Security Settings: Each production server operates as a fully-isolated container, eliminating any possibility of cross-infection from other customers. Furthermore InMotion Central Plans come with protection of a wide range of attacks including Malware and DDoS. Backup Management: InMotion Central allows you to easily create website or server backups all within your Dashboard. Use the Backups section under Maintenance to create website backups and easily restore them; or create a Server Snapshot to capture all of your server settings at a specific time, and go back to these when necessary.Website Statistics: Easily check your website statistics of your project under the Site Stats section. Get an overall view of your visitors, Site Health, and the general WordPress settings of your website. CMS Support: Currently InMotion Central only supports WordPress websites, but this may change in the future. Account and Billing Management: InMotion Central contains an account and billing to manage

InMotion Central is an ideal solution for agencies, marketing teams, and web designers seeking a fast and easy-to-manage website. It provides users the power of a fully-isolated VPS, hyperfast performance, Playground environments, and WordPress management tools all from a single dashboard. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both cPanel and InMotion Central offer their own unique set of features and advantages.

cPanel provides a tried-and-tested solution that has been widely used and trusted by the web hosting industry for years. It offers a comprehensive range of tools and functionalities, making it suitable for users who prefer a traditional and feature-rich control panel

InMotion Central presents a streamlined and consolidated approach, bringing together multiple functionalities into a single dashboard. This option may appeal to users seeking simplicity and ease of use while taking advantage of its powerful infrastructure.

Ultimately, the decision between cPanel vs.InMotion Central should be based on your individual needs, preferences, and the specific requirements of your website.

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